Summer Museum Passport
Museums and historical sites across Brazoria County are teaming up to organize a Summer Museum Passport to encourage children and families to learn more about local history. Each location is different and showcases unique parts of Brazoria County's past!

Kick-Off Event
Lake Jackson Historical Museum
249 Circle Way, Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Saturday, June 1
10 AM - 1 PM
Free Admission!
Pick up your passport and earn your first stamp! Representatives from other participating locations will have stations throughout the museum to help you plan the rest of your museum visits and get excited for summer! You will also learn how you can win a raffle prize at the Closing Event at the end of summer by completing your passport! The prize will be a basket filled with special items from each museum! Admission to Lake Jackson Historical Museum is free, but we do ask that you RSVP if you plan to attend the event.
Go At Your Own Pace
You can still participate in the Summer Museum Passport even if you can't make it to the Kick-Off! Once we have kicked-off the program at the Lake Jackson Historical Museum passports will be available at ALL participating locations (listed below) throughout the summer! You do not have to go in a specific order! Plan your visits as they coordinate with your family's summer plans.
Getting Stamps
Due to the amount of participating museums that continue to have to close their doors to the public as they recover from Hurricane Beryl, we have decided to modify the stamp requirements in order to enter the raffle. The drawing will still take place on August 17th at the Closing Event.
In order to receive 1 raffle entry, participants must now show 8 stamps on their passport.
In order to receive 2 raffle entries, participants must show 10 or more stamps.
We hope that this not only accommodates the closed sites, but also makes up for the days that we all lost due to the hurricane.
Closing Event
Freeport Historical Museum
311 E. Park Ave., Freeport, TX 77541
Saturday, August 17
10 AM - 2 PM
Free Admission During Event!
The closing event will take place at Freeport Historical Museum. You MUST bring your stamped passport to the event and present it to volunteers, or turn it in to a participating site prior to the event, in order to enter the raffle giveaway. Remember, 10 stamps gets you one entry and all 13 will score you a second entry to the raffle. There will be activity stations for children to visit as they await the raffle drawing.
More details on activities and raffle prize to come.
Participating Locations
Alden B. Dow Office Museum Website
Alvin Historical Museum Website
Brazoria County Historical Museum Website
Brazoria Historic Museum Website
Brazos Valley Railroad Society Museum Website
Brazosport Museum Of Natural Science Website
Columbia Historical Museum & Columbia Rosenwald School Website
Freeport Historical Museum Website
Jackson Plantation Historic Site Website
Lake Jackson Historical Museum Website
Levi Jordan Plantation State Historic Site Website
Stephen F. Austin-Munson Historical County Park Website
Varner-Hogg Plantation State Historic Site Website
Click here to open this map in Google Maps.
*Note: Due to destination limits on Google Maps all three Lake Jackson Historical Association sites (Lake Jackson Historical Museum, Alden B. Dow Office Museum, and Jackson Plantation Historic Site) have been combined in one pin. Additionally, Brazoria Historic Museum and Brazos Valley Railroad Society Museum share a pin as they are housed together. Addresses for all 13 sites are listed in the passports.

Museums' Hours At A Glance
Participating museums are working hard to recover from Hurricane Beryl in order to welcome visitors back in their doors. Reference the chart below to see which sites are currently open. Museums in bolded font are currently open to the public. Museums in gray font are currently closed to the public and will be updated as they are able to safely open.

Use the "Download" button to save and enlarge the chart.