Join LJHA today and help save Lake Jackson's history!
Single Membership
35$Every year- Invitation to exclusive events
- Free admission for one to monthly Something to Chew On
- Discount on and early registration for LJHA events
- 5% discount at museum gift shop
- 10% off rental fees
- Subscription to monthly email newsletter
- Reciprocal admission/discounts at 300+ other history museums
Dual Membership
50$Every year- Invitation for two to exclusive events
- Free admission for two to monthly Something to Chew On
- Discount on and early registration for two for LJHA events
- 5% discount at museum gift shop
- 10% off rental fees
- Subscription to monthly email newsletter
- Reciprocal admission/discounts at 300+ other history museums
- Most Popular
Family Membership
100$Every year- Four tickets to Breakfast with Santa
- Invitation for four to exclusive events
- Free admission for four to monthly Something to Chew On
- Discount on and early registration for four for LJHA events
- 5% discount at museum gift shop
- 10% off rental fees
- Subscription to monthly email newsletter
- Reciprocal admission/discounts at 300+ other history museums
- Reciprocal admission to 1,000+ other North American museums
Life Membership
1,000$- Invitation to exclusive events
- Free admission to monthly Something to Chew On
- Discount on and early registration for LJHA events
- 10% discount at museum gift shop
- 10% discount on rental fees
- One free Historical Museum rental for up to 6 hours
- Permanent recognition on Life Member wall
- Subscription to monthly email newsletter
- Reciprocal admission/discounts at 300+ other history museums
- Reciprocal admission to 1,000+ other North American museums
2025 LJHA Members
Neldia Ahlquist
Barbara Allen
Gerald Andrews
Dana Arnold
Bradford Baker
Lisa Baker
Linda Bartholome
Joyce Beeson
Richard Bennett
Reece Black
H.N. Bitter
David Bone
Peggy Borchers
Teresa Broderick
Freddie Brown*
Bill Brown
Mary Brown
Katherine Bruton
Susan Buell
Raymond Burroughs*
Donald Caldwell
Sally Carter
Karla Christman
Mike and Joann Coburn
Wes Copeland
Frederick Cordes
Larry Cornell
Ralph Corry*
Jerri Courtney
Harold Cox*
Harold Crone*
Karla Christman
James Cutshall
Craig Cyr
Lanelle Davis
Vera Ann Deal*
Ann Dean
Ed Denman*
Karen Dettloff
Scott Dick
Vorin Dornan
Larry Dorroh
Horace Driskill
Gayle Driskill
Kay Dunbar*
Clifton Dusek*
Laura Ebach
Windel Eaves*
Johnny and Sharon Elias
Josh Ferguson*
John A. Fey
Gary Foose*
Jo Ann Forse*
*Life Member
Thomas Fowler
George Franklin*
Barbara Franklin*
David and Nancy Freshour*
Orren Gaspard
Jim Gensler*
Nick Giannone*
John Gilbert
Jesse Glatz
Jose Oscar Gonzalez
James Gorsuch
James and Doris Grigar
Fairilou Grissett
Sue Gross*
Al Guevara
Nicole Hardesty
Rob and Mary Heckendorn
Jim and Diane Hill
Harmon Hoot
Bill Hudgins
Terrie Hudzietz*
Mary Helen Israel*
Van Kent
Duane and Janet Koch
Ken and Sarah Lamb
Sharline Lancaster*
James Lander
Paul Larson*
Jeff and Susan Laver
Dale Libby*
Robert Lindveit
Gus Lindveit
Juan Longoria III*
Leslie Lowrey*
Paul Manning*
Joyce Mardis
Constance Marshall
Jim and Schelli Martin*
Keith and Paula Matzke
S. Thomas and Peggy McKnight*
Neal McLain*
David Melass*
Brian Melass
Marvin Merchant*
Marty and Becky Merritt
David Miller*
Mary Mitchell
Barbara Monical
Deanna Monical*
Harold Monical, Jr.*
Harold Monical, Sr.*
Mrs. H.H. Monical*
Randy and Mary Morgan
Susan Moss*
Jamie and Stan Murray
Jim Murray*
Ralph O'Henly
Nancy Oelfke
Edward Olivares
Emily Osborn*
Mark Parker
Jeff and Lisa Pauls
Paul Redisich
Robert Perryman
Jim Pierce*
Ed Rainwater*
Jean Rambo*
Sharon Rogers
Elba Rohena
Harry Sargent*
Bob and Tissie Schwebel*
Sandy Seeley
Buddy Scott*
Ravi Singhania
Deneise Slaydon
Joyce Smith
Debby Soltesz and Kyle Harris
Mary Zylks Sonom
Stuart and Linda Stein
Mary Stewart
Everett Stovall*
Cindy Suggs
Judy Sumlin-Foster
Pat Sury
Jackie Swisher*
David Todd
C. Ade Tracy
Dr. Anselmo Unite*
Jim Urban*
Cheryl Vickers-Epps*
Martha Vining
Douglas Walcerz
Martha Wallace*
John Ward
Walter Watts*
Douglas Walcerz
Jamie Wehmeyer*
Deana Wheeler
Sharon and Don White*
Doris Williams*
Carl Wolfe
Harold Wood
Norman Wood
Richard Wood