The Lake Jackson Historical Association is proud to steward its own archival collections. Our archives are your first stop for researching subjects from Abner Jackson and the Lake Jackson Plantation to the development of Lake Jackson by the Dow Chemical Company and Alden B. Dow. The archives include a variety of materials pertaining to Lake Jackson's history, including a large collection of early Dow publications, hundreds of photographs, letters, manuscripts, memorabilia, newspapers, selected city records, and archaeological artifacts.
Items of Special Interest
Oral History DVD's: Watch video interviews of early Lake Jackson residents share their stories about life in Lake Jackson.
City Directories: Discover the businesses that served residents of Lake Jackson.
Photographic and document reproductions are available for a fee and can be requested through the online catalog.
For more information,

Explore the Collection
For more information about visiting the archives, please call (979) 297-1570 or email the curator at curator@ljhistory.org.